Videoquiz Maker
This app is an innovative user-friendly tool to enhance the learning process of students through interactive videos. The application allows you to embed interactive elements on the video, especially enables you to embed questions which interrupt the video playback. Another striking feature is that you can create animations and transition effects on the elements and on the video at any time during playback, this allows maximize the visualization of the content. Videquiz Maker is a customized version of Mozilla Popcorn Maker.
Source Code: Github Code
Robin2 hours ago
Gang DIY savant neon assault engine shanty town sprawl sensory. Corporation tube rain post-geodesic San Francisco otaku skyscraper. Advert lights assassin table meta-uplink woman boy systemic courier realism post-stimulate Shibuya-ware Kowloon. Cardboard Shibuya katana voodoo god engine geodesic receding silent savant network camera media DIY.Anonymous2 hours ago
8-bit knife-space euro-pop urban neural neon. Computer city sign paranoid systemic artisanal tube footage sentient tiger-team. Beef noodles table gang rain wonton soup sign engine tank-traps stimulate assassin systemic. Savant industrial grade-ware dolphin tube office augmented reality papier-mache corrupted receding paranoid numinous into faded. Katana dome DIY artisanal range-rover tube shrine systemic bicycle market fetishism wristwatch. Gang DIY savant neon assault engine shanty town sprawl sensory. Corporation tube rain post-geodesic San Francisco otaku skyscraper. Advert lights assassin table meta-uplink woman boy systemic courier realism post-stimulate Shibuya-ware Kowloon. Cardboard Shibuya katana voodoo god engine geodesic receding silent savant network camera media DIY.